Last Wednesday Jared, Braylee and I went to find out the gender of our baby. While doing the ultrasound an abnormality was found. We were told it was most likely either a Gastroschisis or Omphalocele. They got us into the neonatologist and genetic counselor yesterday and confirmed it is an Omphalocele. There's a lot to it so to find out more go to this website:
The Omphalocele itself is treatable with surgery right after the baby is born. But the thing we are the most worried about is that there is a 30% chance our baby may have trisomy 13 or trisomy 18 which are severe chromosomal disorders. Here is a website with more info on it:
The only way we can know for sure if our baby has one of these chromosomal defects is if we get an amniocentesis. They told us if we get an amnio there is a .5% chance the baby could miscarry. The chance is small, but it's still there. So we are torn and don't know whether to get the procedure done or not. If is had the chromosome problem, they won't do the surgery. If the baby will only be here for a short time we just want to make peace with it before he gets here...but is it worth it? Or to prepare for a long road in the NICU after surgery(I hope so!). So far I've heard of 2 people I know getting and amnio with no complications. I'd just like to hear of anyone you know has gotten one and what was the outcome.