Tuesday, April 1, 2008


AHHHHHHHH Can you believe we're having twins??????

.....APRIL FOOLS :-)


A said...

shut the hell up! i totally believed you!! you would have called me though. great joke!

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

maybe this is why you were even more sick this time around! You just wait...there will be 2 babies in there when you go find out!

Sara & Saylor said...

AHHHHhhhh I totally fell for it!! You dork!!! GOod one!

A said...

look! i told you there would be lots of people you know with blogs!

Nikki said...

Ha, as soon as I read it I blurted out to Eric that you guys were having twins. Good one! I hope you feel better soon.

Nikki said...

And very cute blog girlie!

Nikki said...

I am going private on my blog. Please email me your email address so I can add you to my viewing list.

Madsen Family said...

I was fooled too! Funny joke. =)
Your kiddies are so big too! I know, I haven't seen you in like 2 years. We should all go take our kids when it's warm and go play.

Angie Whitman said...

Cute blog, Weech's! Saw your link off of Eric's blog. Looks like everyone is doing well!...are a congrats in order?:) Are you guys pregnant?

Maughan"sters" said...

I love it! You had Brandon and me going for a minute there! When do you find out what you are having?